Molecular medicine
The subject of the restricted competition with a preliminary application procedure is the new building for the Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology (BIMSB) in Berlin-Mitte. The construction of a new building was planned by the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin-Buch, member of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers.
Transparent and interdisciplinary
The goal of the architectural competition was an innovative building that meets the special structural and spatial requirements of the research direction in terms of economic, technological and scientific aspects and, in particular, promotes interdisciplinary working methods and interaction between the working groups by providing a high-quality working environment with appropriate communication spaces.
The design fits sensitively into the urban environment and at the same time develops a distinctive expression, while the architectural quality is convincing. At the same time, the design is developed under the aspect of energy-optimized construction in the sense of an innovative energy- and cost-efficient building concept.
Project details
Senate Department for Urban Development and Environment
Building volume
10,500 sqm GFA
Competition 2012
4th prize
Patrik Dierks, Norbert Sachs